Shaping a sunny mentality-creating a professional stage for white-collar workers
Release Date:2004-05-12

On the evening of April 26 and 27, Manager Wei Songtao of the Training and Development Department of the Human Resources Department gave a passionate speech on "Creating a Professional Stage for White Collars-Talking about the Learning Experience of Corporate Culture" for hundreds of white-collar workers in the company in two sessions. Although this speech was given during the staff's break time, everyone was in high spirits. During the nearly two-and-a-half-hour event, everyone could get some insights. "What made me feel most about this event was the positive attitude and team spirit," said an employee.

    The speech is divided into five parts: team spirit, professionalism, career planning, corporate culture review and professionalism at work and corporate culture (positive attitude). At the beginning of the speech, some concepts of team building were conveyed to everyone through group activities. This more abstract concept, through the participation of all employees, really made everyone understand what a team is, team goals and rules, and team spirit, so that everyone can further understand the team spirit. The importance of the work, and pay attention to cooperation and coordination in the work.

    The speech also introduced in more detail the difference between professional and non-professional work through some examples, as well as the components of professionalism—professionalism, professional skills, and professional behaviors, so that everyone has a clear and clear understanding of professionalism. . On this basis, Manager Wei emphasized that the significance of career development is that it is a win-win cooperation-the integration of employee goals and corporate goals, so that everyone can have better direction and purpose when designing their own careers. Manager Wei also talked about the learning experience of corporate culture, let everyone understand the relationship between professionalization, career and corporate culture, so that we have a deeper and more thorough understanding of corporate culture.

    Finally, through the "Who Am I Twenty Questions", "chain reaction" and "weak mentality" step-by-step activities, Manager Wei made everyone realize the significance of maintaining a negative and positive mentality in work and life, and analyzed the negative and positive mentality. The performance and reason of the mentality, and guide everyone how to maintain a positive mentality in work and life. He pointed out that difficulties and problems will always exist. Difficulties will not be resolved by ourselves because we are timid, and problems will not be reduced because we avoid them. Whether it is a difficulty or a problem, first let us have a positive attitude. When encountering difficulties, we will improve our ability. When encountering problems, it is the time for us to think of ways.

    This speech upholds the concept that human resources work is a strategic service-oriented work, and promotes exchanges and communication with each other through speeches and interactive activities, so that everyone pays attention to the shaping of their own sunny mind, and lays the foundation for building a solid professional stage.